Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wordless Wednesday # 10

My voice went up an octave when I saw this -something about baby puppies, kittens and gorillas - that makes this girl squeal.  
This photo is courtesy of my girl Cindie from Parenthood Moments Big and Small.  Make sure to check her out! 

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Monday, May 25, 2015

Mommy Madness Tip # 5: Easiest Way to Clean a Microwave

This is definitely an oldy but goody…and I have never tried it until now.  My family loves to gift me with splatters all over the microwave.  Um, thanks? 

Here's the easiest way to clean your microwave.  No scrubbing required. 

1) Grab a cup of water (optional add a few drops of lemon). 
2). Cook in microwave until boiling, let boil for at least a minute. 
3) Here's the important step- let SIT in microwave for a minute or two.
Wipe off your counters or sweep the floor to keep yourself preoccupied. 
4) When it is time, open the microwave and wipe clean.  
Depending on how dirty your microwave is, there SHOULD be zero scrubbing required.  
Repeat steps if needed. 

Do you have a tip that you would like to share?  Email me or comment below =)

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Funday Sunday 5/15/15

Sunday is a time of reflection.  What did you do during the week? 

We played in the garden. Actually we were in the garden A LOT.  My neighbor was very kind and offered some tomato plants that she grew over the winter.  In addition to tomatoes, I planted  potatoes in a laundry basket (found that trick on Pinterest-I'll definitely be blogging about that one) and a whole list of vegetables that I will not bore you with.  

We made mud pies. This is my daunter's favorite activity other than planting HER garden.  While I am in my garden, she will pick dandelions and purple flowers and "plant" them next to my garden.  Then i fill up her princess watering can so that she can water them.  After the garden is watered, the rest of the H2O goes towards making mud pies.  My daughter is quite the mud pie expert. 

We brought a friend ice cream.  A friend with a beautiful heart was given some very sad news.  Ice cream does not solve problems nor does it take away sadness, but it is a treat that can bring a smile to someone's frown (even if it's just a second).  It's better to be a blessing than to be blessed.  

Wrote thank you notes. We have fantastic mentor moms who serve the Mothers of Preschoolers group that I am in.  They help the other moms with their fellowship, wisdom, friendship and service. I cannot say enough kind words about them…and I am so thankful that they are a part of my life.  A simple hand written thank you note sent through the snail mail will hopefully brighten their day. 

We grilled. We assembled my husband's Father's Day gift since he already found it and we put it to good use! 

We had a blast at MOPS. Again with the MOPS?  Well, it is a very impactful organization!  Instead of doing a craft, we did a community service project.  We collected and assembled 20 cleaning and hygeine kits/buckets and donated it to a local homeless shelter.  Doing a kind act for someone makes your heart happy. It's a wonder that humanity does not do it more often. 

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

DIY: Magnetic Orgnaizer for Small Items

I know what you are thinking….um, what IS that? 


Would you like to see step by step how to make this inexpensive storage for small craft items?  Check it out HERE on Happily Ever After Etc.  I'd say this beauty cost me about $5 using baby food jars and Dollar Tree items.  

Betsy and I are collaborating with a few other ladies to give you the #ThriftStoreSwap in June.  
Stay tuned for more info! 

Make sure to check out my blogger friend Betsy at Happily Ever After Etc

Happily Ever After Etc.

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Wordless Wednesday # 9

I gotta say that I really dig the old black and white pictures. In fact, I have several boards dedicated to old pictures on my . So when my blogger friend Dani said that she wanted to post THIS thought provoking picture, I skipped all the way to my computer. Here is another fantastic Wordless Wednesday brought to you by Momma Be Like!   I'm also loving her heels…can you imagine wearing those for a walk around the neighborhood?  

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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tell it Tuesday # 3 - Deceptions of a 3-year-old

It's amazing what our little humans think they can get away with…or what they think they can get past our sleep deprived minds.  My youngest has a sugar filled carrot that she has been parading around the house.  I'm not sure where she got it from or when…but it's obvious that it's HERS.  
"I want alone time"
"Sure Kaitlyn, go for it", this is not unusual for my daughter.  She likes to play alone in her room or quietly read a book.  I embrace every. single. second. of. it!  But instead of going straight to her room, she makes a detour to her special little carrot. 
"Um, WHAT are you doing?"
"It's ok Mom, I won't eat the candy. I'll just LOOK at it". 
Sure you won't…just like I won't touch that cheesecake in our fridge.  

Our local grocery store is right next to the Police Department.  My children know this because I threaten to "turn them in" when they are acting up. This is almost on a daily basis so I no longer have to point it out to them.  During a recent trip, I had my son with me…he is a perfect angel when he is away from his sisters. 
As we drove by the Police Department my son proceeded to ask, "Mom, is there a judge in the Police building?"
Honestly, I haven't had a lot of experience with the LAW.  My one and only experience was when I was providing military honors to a fallen Airman.  The young man's father was a policeman and he kindly offered his station locker rooms for us to change in.  
"Maybe" I responded. 
"Is Judge Judy there?

Huh?  When does this kid watch Judge Judy?! I am now convinced this kid watches too much tv.  

My three-year-old is told to report to the bathroom to have her hair fixed for church. My husband tells her to do this when I am in mid hair straightening mode.  Ever see those cartoons when the character gets electrocuted?  Yeaaaa, that is what my perm induced frizzy hair looked like.  She takes one look at me and doesn't sugar-coat it.

"Mom, your hair is a mess….with a cherry on top." 

The cherry was the pile of hair that was clipped up.  That one…she had a point. 

Want more? Click HERE! 

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Mommy Madness Tip #4 - Soap Dispenser Makeover

Would you like to spruce up your kitchen sink area?
One way is by giving your dishwashing soap a more sophisticated home.  

Replace the cork top with a pour spout. Viola! Functional and adorable.  

These bottles can also be used for olive oil.  I love using mine for dishwashing soap (you may want to dilute the soap a teeny tiny bit).  I get compliments on these…and my friends are surprised when I tell them I got all three from The Dollar Tree.  Yes, $3 for this transformation.  

Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Coming in June!  

Would you like a peak of these ladies before the event?  
Check them out HERE!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wordless Wednesday # 8

A quick reminder of what Wordless Wednesday is about.  I will post a picture without background information or a description.  Hopefully, the picture will speak for itself!  

This adorable Wordless Wednesday is brought to you by my friend Cindie.  Her blog Moments Big and Small is filled with parenthood humor as well as pet resources.  Check her out @!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tell it Tuesday #2 - Here's your Birthday Bomb

One of my daughter's favorite games is throwing a birthday party...Hmm, I wonder where she gets THAT from?  We take turns being the birthday girl.  The other person "decorates" and wraps a birthday present. When it was my turn, I got a gift bag with 2 items.
As I open it, I happily exclaim, "I got a baby?  I love it!"
"And here's your birthday BOMB!" responds my daughter who equally shares the enthusiasm.
Sure enough there is a Nerf Missile in with my baby.  Um, thank you?

Want more? Click HERE! 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Funday Sunday, Mother's Day 2015

I realize that Mother's Day may be a source of mourning or sadness for some…if this is the case for you, I hope that you were able to find some moments of happiness despite the circumstances. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Funday Sunday 5/3/2015

First of all Happy Mother's Day!
What do you do on Sundays?  Here is a glimpse into my life…and maybe some ideas for you to try if you get bored.

We visited a church. Even better, we have decided to visit this church again next week!  We have yet to find a new church home since moving to Michigan. When you move away from a church that you love, it's hard not to despair and worry that you will never find a perfect fit again.  It was felt when we left our small church in Japan…and it took a few months for our Ohio church to grow on us. I'm sure it will be the same case with our new church here once we find it.

We took a nap. These days, a nap falls second only to a facial...but those are few and far between for me. Today, everyone got a nap…and it was fantastic.

We made banana pudding. Not to sound overly confident, but my banana pudding is the best that I have ever had =D (my husband too).  It is oh, so yummy because it is oh so fattening.  But if there is ever a reason to make banana pudding, chances are that it will be a good time.

We met some new friends.  Friendship is something that has been a lot easier for me to achieve now that I am a civilian.  I can't quite explain it. Maybe, I'm less stressed.  Maybe, my mind isn't overwhelmed by the long list of things that must be managed or done.  Or maybe it's because I have more energy to put forth the effort. But for whatever reason, we have been blessed with people who we hit it off with right away.  We met a young couple who invited us to their small group study later that evening.  It was such a great time, that the kids are begging to go back.  It's amazing how a long overdue fellowship can be so good for the soul.  I feel like my family is revitalized and happy here.  I know I am!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Spring Cleaning Can Put Change into Your Pocket

I met Kara at one of the Midland MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) meetings.  She was our guest speaker and she gave tips on staying organized in a realistic way.  I was thoroughly impressed with her approach. Wait, the magazine ads and tv shows are NOT what I strive for?  I had been jaded by media to think that being organized meant having a minimalist approach and living in a magazine.  My expectations were completely unrealistic for a family with children.  Instead of striving for something that was unattainable, we focused on finding a designated home for each item that we need.  We focused on something that we were able to achieve, maintain AND FUNCTION with.  It was glorious…and I am so happy to have met such a sweet, PATIENT and wonderful woman!  I don't want to give away all of her secrets…so please read on for tips on how "Spring cleaning can put change into your pocket." Enjoy!   

Submitted by Kara DeBord, Founder of

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wordless Wednesday # 7

This upcoming Friday is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Here is a picture in honor of such a day. When a military member deploys, it is a sacrifice made by the WHOLE family, not just the member.  Thank you for letting us share such a personal moment Jen! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tell It Tuesday #1:

My children are starting to understand their daily schedule.  They know that soccer practice is on Wednesday, Gymnastics Thursday or that we have a playdate scheduled for Friday.
"Is it tomorrow yet?" asked my three-year-old.  She must be anticipating another playdate or something.
 "Nope, it's still today" I reply with a huge smirk on my face.
Apparently, it was exactly what she needed to hear.  She let out an understanding, "Ohhhhhhh" and moved on.
I wish everything else was that simple.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Liebster Award

Hi there! If you follow blogs, you may have read a few entries about the Liebster Award.  If not, it's your lucky day! A little about the Liebster award first.  It is an award that is shared among the blogging community to help fellow new bloggers grow. It should only be given to bloggers who have 200 followers or less on social media. Thank you to The Gold Brick Road for my are my answers to your questions!

Mommy Madness Tip #3- Buy Thrift Store Games for Parts

I am on a huge board game kick right now.  It's away from the television and it fosters family time. Even better, without them realizing, it helps my kiddos learn the following skills:  taking turns, counting, following rules/directions, helping one another, money management…I can go on and on!  
Small parts + my children = lost parts all over my home

Much to my frustration, I find Monopoly and Life money in their wallets all. the .time! 
How cute right?  Until, you are trying to play with zero $500 bills in Life…yes, it's adorable.  

Now I load up on games from the thrift store for "parts".  Most of the games are "As Is" meaning that they may not have all of the game pieces anyway, so they are super cheap.  Not only do these games replace lost parts of games that we play, it also supplies the "fake" money that my kids crave.  

Can you tell which games are second hand and which games I bought new?  Probably not, my children destroy games equally, whether they are new, used, incomplete or not.  

*Note to crafters* 
Thrift stores are the main source of my Scrabble tiles.  I once bought a brand new game for $20 from Walmart. RIP OFF!  Since then, I have bought 3 boxes for no more than $3 each…a bonus is that some tiles look vintage. =) Always watch for Scrabble tiles, even when you are between projects.  Worst case, you can sell them to a desperate crafter for a profit.  People WILL pay…I know, I was one of them many moons ago. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Funday Sunday

What are you doing this Sunday?  

Last Sunday was one of the most productive weekends that my family has had in 2015.  Why?  Because we live in Michigan…and Spring has been a little shy this year.  I have been dying a little inside as the months go on.  I want to start my vegetable garden already!  Today the weather was cool but it was tolerant, so we FINALLY got a few things done.  

What did we do? 

I taught my son how to blow snot rockets. Yes, you read right.  My allergies this year have not been tamed by the normal over the counter dose. I was not going to let my runny nose stop me, we had things to do outside.  What better opportunity than to teach my little man to be a man?  I will never forget his little giggles as he tried in the front yard.  Hopefully the neighbors got a kick out of it too!

We tilled my garden. YAYYYYYY!

We built a compost bin out of pallets. I am sure the neighborhood is happy that our home looks a little less trashy.  Note to self, from now on, store pallets collected from neighborhood trash in the BACK yard.  

We bagged the leaves from last Fall. we have very generous trees in our yard…and the previous owners wanted to leave us a warm welcome gift =) Unfortunately, all of our rakes were in storage until it snowed, so our leave hung out with us all winter long. I am glad to brag that we made the deadline for free yard debris pick up (barely).  2 bags of leaves were mixed into our garden and we're composting the rest.  Hurray! 

We cleared dead brush from our yard.  Clearing dead overgrown trees gives one such immediate gratification.  It's like spring cleaning for the yard…and it frees up some much needed yard space!  

What are your Funday Sunday Projects?  Until next week =) 

Friday, May 1, 2015

6 Ways to Make Life Harder on Your Kids…They'll Thank you in the Future

My family and I live in a very safe, comfortable town. It's not as bad as Pleasantville but I swear it has an invisible bubble around it. Moving every few years as a military brat, I know that the REAL world does not function as it does here. Nope. Not even on a good day. So, I take it upon myself to give my children some tough love, maybe even make them cry a little. Don't you? If you coddle your kid, I hate to break it to you sister; they are in for a rude awakening…

Don’t get the wrong impression. My children are very healthy, very happy… and in my opinion a little bit spoiled (despite my tough love approach). They participate in various sports and have a lot of friends. I want them to learn lessons that are not taught in a formal classroom setting, such as common sense and street smarts. Lessons that are learned from families who should probably have CPS called on them. 
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