This tip may be overkill for small families…but it is a must for outdoorsy families with multiple children.
My family fits in this category.
Bikes were everywhere. Scooters were between the bikes. A wagon, plasma car and a skateboard were thrown in somewhere…it was a M.E.S.S. and a little embarrassing every time we opened the garage door.
Pictured above is our bike rack. It is by no means as pretty as the other ones you will see, but it is FUNCTIONAL (all that is important to my husband really).
My 3 year old understands where to put her bike. She used to leave it in the driveway, now as soon as she is done, she parks it in her spot. It's magical!
My husband cannot tell me what site he got the instructions for building this beauty from. Typical non blogger thing to do right? So, unfortunately credit will not be given to where it is due. Forgive me! There are countless tutorials and styles that you are bound to find a size or shape that works for your situation.
If you are sick of tripping over bikes and scooters, build a rack to make your life easier! Have fun organizing your garage! Here in Michigan, we will be getting ready for the winter soon. Hopefully, it is a short one this year!