Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thrift Store Swap Reveal!

I'm excited to share this Thrift Store Swap reveal!  It's here, the time is finally here! 

5 bloggers and I collaborated for a Thrift Store Swap. We each shopped locally and found $10 in random thrift store treasures.  We swapped our finds…and now it's time to see how our junk was repurposed! 

Lisa from Five Kids, a Dog and a Blog sent me my project items.  I have to admit that I felt very spoiled when I opened my box.  It was like she knew exactly what I needed!  

Here is what I got. 

What did I do with it?  Keep scrolling to find out! 

1) A Welcome Wreath 

It was tempting to dust it off and call it good.  I liked it how it was, but for the sake of our swap, I repurposed it into a 4th of July wreath. Want to see how I did it?  Click here! 

2) A Candle Sconce

First order of business was to spray paint the sconce white. The gold made me cringe, so it was painted even before I had a game plan! It quickly became tape storage. 
A crafter can never have enough washi tape…or ways to store it. 

3) Kitchen/Food Decor 

This set came with 3 pieces of art.  It was perfect for my silhouette project! 

This project was easier than you think.  Check out how I did it HERE

4) Letter S

I'll be honest. I was completely stumped on this one. I love the whimsical design but I had no idea what to do with it. 
At first, I painted it pink with the intentions of buying more letters to spell princess.  I used my 50 cent OOPS paint by the way! 

It would go great in my daughter's Frozen themed bedroom…but I wasn't happy with that idea.  
I decided to take it a step further.  My little one is such a girly girl and she owns as much jewelry as her mother. Again, like mom she is notorious for losing something (mainly rings) on a daily basis. I grabbed a vintage looking tray bought from an estate sale, some buttons and small cut dowel rods (excess from the sconce tape dispenser project).
Problem solved!
This is what my S (S for my last name) was used for!

A jewelry holder fit for a princess. Now hopefully, I won't be stepping on her cute little rings anymore!  
I left space to add additional storage when the time comes.  Who knows what my mini me will need in the future.  

Check out what I sent to Maureen from The Fox and Bear Homestead.  

 Make sure to visit Maureen's blog to see what she did with her items!  While you are at it, visit everyone else too! 

What do you think of my transformations?  Would you have done anything different?  Comment below and share your thoughts =)

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  1. Bethany MagnieJuly 1, 2015 at 9:03 AM

    Such a great idea!

  2. CarolynJuly 1, 2015 at 9:54 AM

    Oh my word! Girl you got some great stuff, AND worked some magic!
    I love the wreath and that candle stick holder! Awesome!

  3. AshleyJuly 1, 2015 at 10:28 AM

    Wow! What clever ideas! I am going to have to keep my eyes open better at thrift stores! :)

  4. MidMichigan MomJuly 1, 2015 at 11:01 AM

    Thank you Bethany, it was fun too. =)

  5. MidMichigan MomJuly 1, 2015 at 11:01 AM

    Thank you Carolyn! I hope we can do a swap again in the future.

  6. MidMichigan MomJuly 1, 2015 at 11:02 AM

    Ashley, you can seriously find some treasures from thrift stores. It's ridiculous what some retail stores will charge for something that you can make yourself…and have fun doing!

  7. Lisa B.July 1, 2015 at 2:10 PM

    Your swaps turned out AWESOME! You did a fantastic job on them! I love the silhouette photos of your children. Those are absolutely adorable! I can't wait to see what you come up with for the next swap!

  8. jessica lynnJuly 1, 2015 at 3:31 PM

    Whoa! SO cool!!! What a fun idea—love that wreath transformation!

  9. Betsy SmithJuly 1, 2015 at 5:52 PM

    That Fourth of July wreath is GENIUS! The branches look like fireworks exploding behind the stars! Seriously creative!! I love how this turned out! Plus I am definitely a fan of anyone willing to paint over a canvas to make something new!


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