Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wordless Wednesday # 6

*A brief explanation of what I'm doing on Wednesdays! *

What is this wordless thingy bloggers keep posting? 
A "Wordless Wednesday" post is simply a picture omitting the explanation of what's going on.  The principle is that the picture will explain itself…not the blogger.  Visit every Wednesday for something new.  Enjoy!

Today's picture is courtesy of my friend Heather from One Crazy Ride.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tell It Tuesday-Kids Say the Darndest Things

Kids say the darndest things…especially independent 3 year-olds who think they run the show. If you listen to the conversations between my 2 youngest, it's like comedy hour. There is some wisdom thrown in there every once in a while by my 6 year old, but most of the time you can't help but wonder what. are. they. talking. about???
Ha. In a vain effort to remember this 10 years from now. I am pledging to write down the random most absurd things that I hear throughout the week…and putting them right here for everyone's enjoyment.  I'm just warning you that the majority will probably be from my crazy kids.

Do you ever hear things that make you say WHA??!! Make our day and share!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Mommy Madness Tip #2- Old Leftover Bread? Make Croutons!

You know what they say... when life hands you bread…make croutons!  OK, maybe I made that one up.  But it makes sense right?  I love making bread in my bread maker…but my family only eats it when it's fresh.  To keep the remainder of the bread from becoming a science experiment it must be repurposed into meatloaf or garlic bread.    

 It wasn't until I was making a salad when the idea danced into my head.  We were completely out of croutons because my children eat them like candy.  Yesterday's leftover homemade bread was on the counter staring me down…there you go…make croutons! 

This is so easy.  Think of it as making a lot of tiny garlic bread. 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  While oven is preheating,  combine everything into a bowl, season to taste and mix well.  The bread should be a little moist but not saturated with butter. Spread onto a cookie sheet and place in middle rack of oven.  Depending on your oven, bake for 5-10 minutes. You can serve these warm and toasty or wait for it to cool down.  They will harden as they cool down and taste just as yummy as the store bought stuff!  

Here it is out of the oven

And here it is in our chicken and blueberry salad.  It. was. YUM! 

Next time you are left with  a bunch of "crust ends" that no one seems to like or if your bread is about to sprout some fuzzies.  Stretch your dollar out and turn it into croutons.  

There you have it!  Another Mommy Madness tip.  Give it a try =) 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Maximino Design: MidMichigan Business

Graphic by Maximino Design 

What do you guys think of the new look?  The new logo?  The new name?  Let me tell you, I could not have done ANY of it without the help and guidance of a Mr. Max Reyes!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

5 Things Only a Crafter Would Understand

Crafter friends, do you agree? 

Wordless Wednesday #5

A brief explanation of what I'm doing on Wednesdays! 
What is this wordless thingy bloggers keep posting? 
A "Wordless Wednesday" post is simply a picture omitting the explanation of what's going on.  The principle is that the picture will explain itself…not the blogger.  Visit every Wednesday for something new.  Enjoy!

This Wordless Wednesday is brought to you by Emily from Sweet n' Sour Mom

Thank you Emily!  If you want a humorous take on mommy hood, check out her blog

Monday, April 20, 2015

Madness Tip #1- Organize and Label Puzzles

Mondays are hectic. Aren't they?  How about a few non alcoholic tips to ease the pain?  Introducing Mommy Madness Monday, organization tips and mommy tricks that make life less maddening.  Enjoy! 

This is a real "duh" trick that I just implemented in my home.  

I have suffered years of puzzle confusion…years!  
Don't let outsider puzzle peices contaminate a set. LABEL each puzzle a different letter or number, then mark that letter/number on each puzzle piece.  When you stumble upon a lost "e" puzzle piece, you will know to add it with the rest of it's "e" labeled friends.  Yahooo! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wordless Wednesday # 4

A brief explanation of what the heck I'm doing on Wednesdays! 
What is this wordless thingy bloggers keep posting? 
A "Wordless Wednesday" post is simply a picture omitting the explanation of what's going on.  The principle is that the picture will explain itself…not the blogger.  Visit every Wednesday for something new.  Enjoy!

This episode of Wordless Wednesday is brought to you by Stay at Home Momma Life.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Booger Wars-5 Things NOT to Try with a Toddler

Let me warn you before you read further.  If a small child mining for gold makes you a little queasy, then maybe this post isn't for you.  

The struggle is real folks

this is something that every parent must address once their little one discovers those holes on their face.  I cringe when I see children do it.  I've never been a fan and neither have my 2 oldest kids.  I thought I was doing something RIGHT.  Then came along my youngest…and she is my mini me in every aspect, well except for this.  
What in the world am I talking about?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pink and Pearl Babyshower

I was ecstatic when given the opportunity to make custom decorations for a baby shower.  A few projects have been in mind but never a reason to make them.  I despise being wasteful with my time and money, so I refused to make something "just because".

Artistic freedom and a dress for inspiration, were given to me, what a crafter's dream!  The colors of the dress inspired me to make decorations in the yellow, peach, light purple, white and pink…ultimately, the theme turned into pink and pearls, kind of  Shabby Sheek, a look both the home owner and I liked.

Unfortunately, with a new roof installation starting tomorrow, my budget was extremely limited.  Cute and inexpensive?  Challenge accepted!  

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Made It Myself Hero: Meet Aja's Apothecary

This week's Made It Myself Hero has started her own business….and she was kind enough to do a DIY tutorial on one of her all-natural Body Bars!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #3

A brief explanation of Wordless Wednesdays! 
What is this wordless thingy bloggers keep posting? 
A "Wordless Wednesday" post is simply a picture omitting the explanation of what's going on.  The principle is that the picture will explain itself…not the blogger.
Visit every Wednesday for something new.  Enjoy! 

I'm pretty excited to announce that a few lovely ladies and I have joined forces.  We will each take turns providing you with an awesome Wordless Wednesday.  This SHOULD give you an entertaining variety instead of the "same ol' stuff" week after week.  

This week's Wordless Wednesday is brought to you by
Hey that's me!  

Monday, April 6, 2015

Repurpose an Old Box into Scrabble Tile Storage

Remember this box from March? 

I was excited when I found this treasure in a thrift store for $4.  I was excited until I couldn't decide what to do with it...then it turned into frustration.  Shabby chic jewelry box? Or storage for my scrabble tiles?  Ugh, someone decide for me! 
 Our came to the rescue…and they voted for Scrabble tile storage.  
I secretly liked that option better.  I don't even wear jewelry.  
But the drama didn't stop there.   

This project was a THORN IN MY SIDE.   

There. I said it out loud.  I painted, then repainted, then repainted then…well you get the picture.  
Here are the many personalities of my new tile storage.  

Saturday, April 4, 2015

I Made It Myself Hero: Meet Emily H.

This Saturday's craft hero is the reason why Pinterest Mom Memes exist…yup she's the mom who always puts us other moms to shame.  She's THAT mom…
ha ha, which I say in the greatest esteem,
making her this week's I Made It Myself Hero!!!

Meet Emily H!!!  
One of the coolest moms I know =)

This lady needs her own blog for how crafty she is.  She sews. She paints. She plays with reclaimed wood...enough said really.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Last Name Change-I PROMISE!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #2

Today's Wordless Wednesday is courtesy of my blogger friend Dani.  I love her perspective of mommy hood and find it hilariously true!  

Check her out at Momma Be Like.  

Thank you Momma Be Like!  
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