Hi there! If you follow blogs, you may have read a few entries about the Liebster Award. If not, it’s your lucky day! A little about the Liebster award first. It is an award that is shared among the blogging community to help fellow new bloggers grow. It should only be given to bloggers who have 200 followers or less on social media. Thank you to The Gold Brick Road for my nomination..here are my answers to your questions!
3. What’s your favorite quote?
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
There is such wisdom in these 8 verses. There is a time for everything…a time to think of ourselves and a time to think of others. Whenever things do not happen right away (as I like them to), I remind myself of the above words.
4. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Do what’s best for YOUR family, despite everyone else’s opinion
A sunny day where I can play with my children and hear them laugh…a lot =) Then we would all fall asleep quickly out of exhaustion.
I’m proud of my military service =) I’m female veteran…not something you see every day in some parts of the world.
I would pay off all of our debt, then all of the debt of our family members, and set up a trust fund for college. I’d also plan a vacation or cruise trip for my family and extended family. Donate money to my favorite charities around Mildand to include Aaron’s Gifts From Home and The Shelterhouse and MOPS.
Staying a hotel with a water park inside. We all wear ourselves out…and I love how chores are forgotten.9. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
People who do not smile…ever. They exist and I can’t understand why.
While in the Air Force, I was stationed at a base in Japan. There was so much that I wanted to see/do but couldn’t. I had 2 small children and was pregnant. I want to go back and climb Mt. Fuji, travel all over the island and see more festivals.
Hmmmm, getting a degree. I was going full time until I got preggo with my first kid. I’ve put EVERYONE and everything before myself… my career, my children, my spouse…Now, I’m taking the steps to finally realize my dreams, well part of them at least!Now I would like to nominate the following blogs…drum roll please…
* Stories of a Life Homemade
* Traveling Sarah
* Kchina
* Momma Moose
* Sweet n’ Sour Mom
* The Musings of Mo
* The Working Mommarita
* Momma Be Like
* One Crazy Ride
* Stay at Home Momma Life
* My Mind’s Mashings
2) What is your favorite season?
4) What is something about yourself that is not commonly known?
5) What is your favorite book?
6) How do you unwind?
7) Of all the posts you wrote until now, which one is your favorite and why?