Tuesday, June 30, 2015

DIY:Silhouettes-Easy Tutorial

Silhouette portraits of my children have been on my agenda for YEARS.  

The idea originated from a Mother's Day card compliments of my son's preschool. The card contained a mini silhouette of my 3 year old son and I absolutely loved it!!  I made a vow to replicate it with all of my children…maybe even adding a cute vinyl "count your blessings" saying above it. 
My son is about to start 1st grade…and I figured that I should make these silhouettes before the kids leave for college.  

Tell it Tuesday # 7- About the Hair…Again

Never a dull moment in my home, especially after my kids learned how to say what they REALLY think

Whyyyy does she always have to comment on the hair?!  
And then there is my age….

Thank you son, yes I am older than 13…
WAYYYYYY past even.

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Monday, June 29, 2015

Mommy Madness Tip # 7- Hot dogs to go

Planning an all day family outing? Save money with this "hot" alternative to the boring sandwich.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Midland Local Kid Friendly Events for the Summer

I have to admit that I have a love/hate relationship with summer break. I appreciate the freedom to venture outside of Midland without the worries of being back in time before school lets out.  I enjoy the extra half an hour (sometimes 1 hour) of extra sleep in the morning. 


My kids are typical kids. They fight. A LOT!  Those are the moments when I wish school was year round and I yearn for a few hours of quiet time.  Obviously, I would never survive if I had to homeschool my children…especially my son who is the middle child.  His favorite activity is annoying his sisters and he has become quite good at it. 

I realize that it is a losing battle at home. Here's my plan…and it may help you too. Distract them with outside activities! They fight less and love their siblings more in public. So far so good.  

Here are a few ongoing events to try out.  
Check out the complete list HERE

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tell It Tuesday # 6- Eye Blinkers

I have a little one who will be starting preschool this fall.
Don't let her small stature fool you, she is a 16 year-old stuck in a preschooler's body. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

MCFTA: Be The Dino

"Be The Dinosaur" traveling exhibit is now at the Midland Center for the Arts and will be available until September 3rd.  

Will your children enjoy it? Honestly, my children and I had a blast! I have read mixed reviews from other moms via social media and I can see how some families may be disappointed. Don't let their views dissuade you from experiencing it for yourself; every family situation varies.  

Keep reading for a few things to consider...
BUT before we get into that, 
I would like to share how positive and fun it was for MY kids! 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dow Gardens: Viva La Pollination

I own an annual pass to the Dow Gardens because I adore the monthly events and the children's garden. Recently, they hosted Viva la Pollination, a mini family friendly fair to celebrate pollinators.  

Friday, June 19, 2015

Beach Themed End-of-Year Party

It's that time of the year again- a time every school aged child celebrates, yet Moms near and far dread- you know, the time that teachers live for- the last day of school. Dun-Dun-Dun!!!

Should you Combine a Class Party?

It's the end-of-the year party, and the teachers want these kids. out. of their classroom.  I'm kidding! I cannot say for sure, I just know that the teachers (bless their hearts) have a TON of cleaning to do after our rugrats finally vacate. 

For the last party of the year, should you blend the classes together or stay apart?  Each situation is unique.  Here are some pros and cons to hopefully help come up with the right answer for YOU.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #12

This Wordless Wednesday is brought to you by Sweet n' Sour Mom.  She has watched this nest since they were eggs.  Whoops, that wasn't so wordless was it?  

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tell it Tuesday # 5- Even When I'm Lost

My child is stuck to me like a leech every second of the day…with one exception, shopping. Yes, the time that she SHOULD be by my side,  she would rather run up and down the aisle or hide in clothing racks.  She is super quiet when she hides in the clothing rack too.  She has startled a shopper or two. 
The other day, a little out of the blue, she enlightens me.  
"Don't worry Mom.  I know where you are even when I'm lost."
Somehow, that makes sense.  Thanks, Sweetheart. 

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wordless Wednesday # 11

This Wordless Wednesday makes me want to wear flip flops and shorts…and makes me miss California!  *Sigh* 

Thank you for the beautiful picture Stay at Home Momma Life!  

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tell It Tuesday # 4

I slacked this week and forgot some of the witty musings of my children. 
There was plenty of drama but I think sleep deprivation masked the usual humor in the situation.

Here is one that most mothers of a boy can appreciate. 

A fight over clothing! 
Where do you draw the line between comfort and appearance?  My son could care less what he looks like at school.  After last week, I wonder why I buy the kid jeans anymore!  He never wears them because he cannot "run" in them. Funny how we managed right? 
Well, all of the "sporty" pants were dirty one morning…except for one pair of "play shorts".  
You know, the shorts that should probably be thrown away, but are kept for emergencies…such as mud wrestling? My son came parading downstairs in THOSE SHORTS with a mismatched shirt.  

This triggered a very heated debate. 
"Go back upstairs and change into jeans please".
"But why"?
"That doesn't match".
"But I can't run in jeans".
I look at him dumbfounded. 
"Yes you can".
"But my friends run faster than me when I wear jeans".
I blink. "You don't match". 
"Why do I have to wear matching clothing, Mommy? Why?!" 
It goes on but I won't bore you with little boy drama. 

So this happened today…

Want more? Click HERE! 

Do you have an interesting picture or quote that you would like to share? Comment below! 

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Monday, June 1, 2015

DIY: Mini Composting Worm Towers

My family LOVES oatmeal with almond butter and honey.  We eat it several times a week and can easily go through a 42 ounce canister in a month.  Also, thanks to Daniel Tiger, my preschooler insists on playing "hide and seek" with her blueberries in her oatmeal.  Whatever works =) 

So what is one way to recycle or repurpose the empty containers? Do you have a garden?  
Then I have a project that both you and your garden will love!

What am I talking about? 

Ewwww, worms?  YES!  
These harmless creatures are our friends. 
What exactly is a worm tower?  A worm tower is a partially buried tower with a lid.  The buried part will have holes that worms can crawl in and out of.  They crawl in to eat the compostable food that you put in the tower, then crawl out to poop near the surrounding area. Worm poop (aka castings) is a fantastic organic fertilizer for your vegetable garden and flowers. 

Mommy Madness Tip # 6 -Serve Popsicles in cups

We picked up this tip when my son had his tonsillectomy.  
The post-op nurses treated him to a popsicle in a cup. 

Now I ALWAYS serve my popsicles in a cup.  My kids know that when they aren't actively licking it to put it back into the cup.  It keeps the sticky mess IN THE CUP instead of spreading the love all over your child and or furniture. You're welcome.

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