Friday, December 13, 2013


Expeditionary Medical Support

A pre-deployment training that a medic may have to attend is EMEDS.  It is an excellent opportunity for members to gain insight of what life would be like in a deployed environment.  What should one expect during this short TDY?

Expect to sleep on a cot!   

Field conditions = sleeping bag, but EMEDS has a hardened facility.  Instead of sleeping on the floor in a tent, expect to sleep on a cot in a heated dorm. You can attempt privacy by arranging the lockers a certain way, but it's kind of pointless.  Embrace it.  Bring a pillow and a personal sleeping bag or blankets and throw modesty out the door.

Try to catch the 1800 shuttle to the Camp.

Try to schedule an early enough flight where you can catch the first shuttle to Camp B.
If you arrive on the first shuttle (leaves @ 1800), you will have first pick of sleeping areas in the dorm.  Your main goal is to find a cot next to a plug =)  even better a spot in the back corner.  If you are towards the front/main door, everyone will peak into your space as they walk by.  Ultimately, come to terms that no matter where you are...privacy is almost impossible to achieve.

There is also a 2200 shuttle.  After the drive and briefing, you will be able to find your cot around midnight....keep in mind that everyone else will be sleeping already.  Our late arrivers were nice enough to keep the lights off and find their sleeping areas in the dark.

If you miss the 2200 shuttle, you will have to take a taxi.  We were told that it can cost up to $50.  Hopefully this will not be your only option because the early morning activities will start at approximately 0600. If you are one who requires plenty of beauty sleep to function....take the early shuttle.

Bring a minimum of $60 in small bills.  

I came to EMEDS with the intention of eating lightly and losing some weight.  WRONG!!  First of all, there is a set price for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  There is no option of going cheap and buying a few hard boiled eggs or a bagel.  You pay one price whether you get a fresh omelet, a piece of toast or a coffee.  You may as well get your money's worth right?  I brought cereal bars for breakfast which allowed me to save some money and get a few extra minutes of sleep.

There are 3 bathrooms!

The 2 bathrooms between the APES and EMEDS dorms were constantly occupied.  It seemed as if everyone avoided the bathrooms near the classroom.  I took the extra 20 yard trek to these bathrooms and was able to take a 30 minute shower.  It was so peaceful and totally worth the extra walk. This bathroom is good to remember for the morning rush of women...unless you like getting up early to get a hot shower.

Must haves for your "trip" and a few suggestions for comfort (during winter months)

The first night a "BX" run is offered for students who absolutely need something that they forgot.  I went on this run, people were asking for pillows, long sleeve is some advice, DON'T FORGET ANYTHING CRUCIAL!  We were able to buy items like chap stick or nail clippers, but their BX is only a gas station shoppette.  It is extremely small and carries limited AF items.  A lot of people were out of luck and had to do without their comfort items. 

ABU's (at least one set)
PT gear- this will be the only authorized off duty attire
RANK for the rain gear
1 civilian outfit (unless you don't mind traveling in uniform, of course you can always wash the outfit that you arrived in)
Thermals for winter months-it gets cold at night
"Hot Hands" for winter months (these little guys saved my life)
Issued items from base
Shower shoes
Personal Hygiene items -Ladies, remember this is field training!  Leave the mascara and diamond earrings at home. I saw a few ladies flat ironing their hair and going all out with the makeup.  I'm not sure who they were trying to impress...but at the end of the day, EVERYONE looked like a hot mess.
Laundry detergent- HE compatible (I suggest detergent pods for convenience)
Blanket or extra sheets
Bottled H20 (I acquired this from the USOs)
Cash- small bills a must!  Meals/MRE's are paid for in cash...and there is no ATM machine to be seen. If you plan on eating all meals-breakfast lunch and dinner-everyday, bring at LEAST $60.  There is a set price for meals so there is no option to buy a light cheap breakfast.  They will also offer an opportunity to purchase shirts and coins.  You need cash for these items as well ( IF you want them).  
Entertainment for off duty-Books, playing cards, movies...if you bring enough to share you will become the most popular person at Camp =)
Cigarettes and lighter (if you smoke) bring enough for yourself and a friend.  You will be allowed to smoke before and after academic hours.  You'll have to perform the walk of shame out to the dumpsters to the "smoking area".
Chargers for electronics
Thirty-One Littles Carry-All Caddy or a Timeless Beauty Bag- (see picture) I highly recommend these items to keep your personal hygiene items easily accessible and organized.  I watched other girls spend minutes shuffling through their lockers to find Chapstick.  I had everything in its place and a place for everything. Thirty-One offers many items that would be perfect in a deployed setting.  For more ideas check out my other blog.  

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