The start of a new school year can be an emotional time for parents. For example, sadness may be felt because our babies are growing up WAY. TOO. FAST. Others (like myself) may be flooded with relief -big sigh- because we ALL (children included) survived the summer! Even better, how about feeling stressed? It's time for a new routine, new environment, being on time and so on.
Add packing a lunch to the mix, emotions of anxiety and frustration show up.
It doesn't HAVE to be so traumatizing!
Don't panic, but your child's homemade lunch will be scrutinized. It's human nature. Your child's peers, school staff, nutritionists and so on will be analyzing the contents of that cute Frozen lunch box. Yup. There is no way to stop it so deal with it, embrace it, ignore it…whatever...
but it is best if the lunch is diverse and somewhat healthy!
Easier said than done right? The sad reality is that we can send celery all day long…but will they eat it? The REAL struggle is getting your child to actually EAT their lunch instead of trading or throwing it away.
1) The Power of Presentation
With children, presentation is as important as the contents. I'm not suggesting that you cut everything into adorable shapes with a cookie cutter (although that IS an option).
I'm suggesting whimsical containers such as Bento boxes. Does your child love a certain theme? They'll be more excited about a sandwich if it's in a panda vs wrapped in tin foil. What is another plus? It's reusable! The initial cost will be more, but throughout the year, you will save money and produce less trash.
These bento boxes can be found on Zulily.
Aren't they are adorable! My daughter is in love with the "piggy" so it will be arriving at my doorstep soon. If bento boxes are not your cup of tea. Zulily also carries lunch bags, shaped freezable inserts, reusable drink boxes and containers for condiments and/or cut fruit & veggies.
I have seen the freezable shapes in local stores, but have not seen the reusable drink boxes. Besides shopping online in pajamas is so much more fun! The idea is to use your imagination, any child would be pleasantly surprised to find this in their lunch box! Colored little containers will do the trick too but the character themed containers are no doubt the faves in my household.
Reusable silicon cups are also a colorful option. Keep in mind these are not ideal for the little ones. My kiddos tend to tip their lunch box and throw it around. Therefore, every container we use, has a lid. I also have several little freezable inserts to add into their lunch boxes. These are wonderful for keeping cheese and yogurt cold…they also double as "boo boo" packs when my children hurt each other.
2) Empowerment
If cute characters do not persuade your child into eating their lunch, maybe empowerment will. Most children are more apt to eat what they get to choose. If you supply parent approved snacks and keep them readily available. Guess what the kids will grab to eat?
Keep them neatly displayed and let them pick their school snacks for the day. It REALLY works =)
Does your child have a food allergy? My son has a tree nut and peanut allergy…I cannot tell you how many parents do not consider allergies when they supply snacks for the class. Unfortunately, my son is left out when it happens…so it's nice to send an extra snack for those situations. He can only eat Goldfish snacks so many times a week. This brings me to the next point!
From God will Add Blog
3) Variety
Who enjoys eating the same thing every day (Besides your 2-year-old on a Mac & Cheese Diet)? Not everyone. Switching up the choices will keep your children coming back for more! Do you need ideas on what to serve? Check out Bento For My Girls. She provides a daily picture of what she packs for herself and her daughter. Every day is something different and healthy. I am in awe….
4) Surprises/Encouragment
Take the time to write a sticky note of encouragement for your child and slip it into their lunch box. If your child cannot read, consider a fake tattoo, a sticker, or a funny picture. This does not have to be a daily thing because you want it to be a surprise not the expectation. My oldest daughter is all about Shopkins right now and she has managed to get her younger brother into it too! I plan on slipping a Shopkins into their lunch box every once in a while. It will make their day!
I have always dreaded packing a lunch…but this was before I came up with a game plan. With a little preparation and the right tools (a lot of storage containers). Packing a HEALTHY lunch can be painless.
What are you favorite go to snacks to have on hand for your kiddos?
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