Do you fear for your life when walking through your garage? I was there, I should have worn a helmet when attempting to walk past the bikes, the scooters (between the bikes)…the wagon, plasma car…and a skateboard or two. I didn’t and I ended up on my rump more times than I care to admit […]
DIY: Scrabble Name Decor
A friend and I tried to implement a Thrift Store Swap locally…then summer came and we kind of forgot that we were doing a swap. Eventually, one of the items (a ceramic candle topper) was murdered in a tragic garage cleaning incident. I still intend on repurposing my items…but I’m not in such a hurry […]
DIY WASH Laundry Decor

Decor for a laundry room? Yes, it’s a thing now…but I can’t bring myself to pay for decorations that will be rarely seen. Honestly, if it’s expensive I lose interest, no matter how pretty it is. Something handmade. Something that I enjoy making is more my style. Want to see how I made this easy […]
Fresh Laundry Makeover

Creepy laundry rooms in the basement are now a thing of the past. Laundry rooms today are functional AND pretty. My laundry rooms have always been privy to non public areas of my home- such as the garage or basement-until now. The whole concept of a pretty laundry room is new to me. Meet my […]
I Made it Myself Hero: Meet Stephanie B!

“Someone needs to fight,someone needs to sacrifice, someone needs to inspire, someone needs to be a hero.” ― Amit Kalantri *Gasp* A Made it Myself Hero? It’s been so long! Too long! Don’t fret, we’re working on introducing you to more craft heroes! Meet Stephanie B! I’ll let her introduce herself and her project! =) Hi- […]
DIY:Silhouettes-Easy Tutorial
Silhouette portraits of my children have been on my agenda for YEARS. The idea originated from a Mother’s Day card compliments of my son’s preschool. The card contained a mini silhouette of my 3 year old son and I absolutely loved it!! I made a vow to replicate it with all of my children…maybe […]
Mommy Madness Tip #4 – Soap Dispenser Makeover

Would you like to spruce up your kitchen sink area? One way is by giving your dishwashing soap a more sophisticated home. Replace the cork top with a pour spout. Viola! Functional and adorable. These bottles can also be used for olive oil. I love using mine for dishwashing soap (you may want […]
Spring Cleaning Can Put Change into Your Pocket

I met Kara at one of the Midland MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) meetings. She was our guest speaker and she gave tips on staying organized in a realistic way. I was thoroughly impressed with her approach. Wait, the magazine ads and tv shows are NOT what I strive for? I had been jaded by media […]
Mommy Madness Tip #3- Buy Thrift Store Games for Parts

I am on a huge board game kick right now. It’s away from the television and it fosters family time. Even better, without them realizing, it helps my kiddos learn the following skills: taking turns, counting, following rules/directions, helping one another, money management…I can go on and on! But… Small parts + my children […]
Repurpose an Old Box into Scrabble Tile Storage

var vglnk = { api_url: ‘//’, key: ‘4aa95c33c3e027ae3d31016c2526e0ee’ }; (function(d, t) { var s = d.createElement(t); s.type = ‘text/javascript’; s.async = true; s.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? vglnk.api_url : ‘//’) + ‘/vglnk.js’; var r = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; r.parentNode.insertBefore(s, r); }(document, ‘script’)); Remember this box from March? I was excited when I found this treasure in […]
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