Whether you are ready or not, the time is here folks, it’s coming…”Finter”. Wait. What? Michigan weather likes to play with emotions. It will be Fall for a millisecond then BAM! Winter. Therefore, Finter. If you are geographically blessed with Fall, take advantage of it. Have a photo taken without the phone *gasp* and […]
4 Tips to Make Packing Lunch Fun for Mom & Kids
The start of a new school year can be an emotional time for parents. For example, sadness may be felt because our babies are growing up WAY. TOO. FAST. Others (like myself) may be flooded with relief -big sigh- because we ALL (children included) survived the summer! Even better, how about feeling stressed? It’s time […]
Tell It Tuesday #11: Weeds

“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand My happy place is in my garden so I make it a point to visit it daily. My youngest daughter often accompanies me during each visit. Her happy place is in her mud kitchen (strategically placed near […]
DIY: Scrabble Name Decor
A friend and I tried to implement a Thrift Store Swap locally…then summer came and we kind of forgot that we were doing a swap. Eventually, one of the items (a ceramic candle topper) was murdered in a tragic garage cleaning incident. I still intend on repurposing my items…but I’m not in such a hurry […]
Tell it Tuesday #10- Must like noises to try new things

While we were watching a fireworks show, the loud noises scared a young boy about the same age as my youngest. He started to cry so his father carried him away. Instead of empathizing with the young man she made a conclusion. Seriously, I don’t know where she gets this stuff. Loud gun shot type […]
Tell it Tuesday # 8- Don’t Judge Me

One of the joys of having a 9 year old and a 3 year old is the randomness that is exchanged between the two. We were out of coffee in my home…and me + three children – coffee = disaster. On our emergency trip to the coffee shop, my son and daughter were arguing […]
DIY: Silhouettes-Easy Tutorial
Silhouette portraits of my children have been on my agenda for YEARS. The idea originated from a Mother’s Day card compliments of my son’s preschool. The card contained a mini silhouette of my 3 year old son and I absolutely loved it!! I made a vow to replicate it with all of my children…maybe even […]
Midland Local Kid Friendly Events for the Summer

I have to admit that I have a love/hate relationship with summer break. I appreciate the freedom to venture outside of Midland without the worries of being back in time before school lets out. I enjoy the extra half an hour (sometimes 1 hour) of extra sleep in the morning. But. My kids are typical […]
MCFTA: Be The Dino

“Be The Dinosaur” traveling exhibit is now at the Midland Center for the Arts and will be available until September 3rd. Will your children enjoy it? Honestly, my children and I had a blast! I have read mixed reviews from other moms via social media and I can see how some families may be […]
Dow Gardens: Viva La Pollination

Mention bee near my children and World War III erupts. Sometimes they flee in tears, but more often one child willingly offers a sibling as a sacrifice. I never know what their reaction will be, but I’m willing to put money down that it won’t be standing still. I’m an avid gardener and much to […]
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