Hello all! Here is another opportunity to browse several awesome blogs at once =) See something you enjoy? Leave a comment…and remember sharing is caring! This is our 41st Week since the “Oh My Heartsie Girls” Wordless Wednesday began Our Wordless Wednesday is an opportunity for you to meet and make friends with bloggers from […]
Oh My Heartsie Girl’s Wordless Wednesday Linky Party #40
I am very excited to share that I will be co-hosting The Oh My Hearstie Girl Wordless Wednesday Linky Party! Here is an opportunity for ya’ll to peruse through several blog posts without having to click on any that do not interest you. Make sure to check out the post that I picked to be featured by […]
Tell it Tuesday # 8- Don’t Judge Me

One of the joys of having a 9 year old and a 3 year old is the randomness that is exchanged between the two. We were out of coffee in my home…and me + three children – coffee = disaster. On our emergency trip to the coffee shop, my son and daughter were arguing […]
Tell it Tuesday # 7- About the Hair…Again

Never a dull moment in my home, especially after my kids learned how to say what they REALLY think Whyyyy does she always have to comment on the hair?! And then there is my age…. Thank you son, yes I am older than 13… WAYYYYYY past even. Want more? Click HERE!
DIY: Mini Composting Worm Towers
My family LOVES oatmeal with almond butter and honey. We eat it several times a week and can easily go through a 42 ounce canister in a month. Also, thanks to Daniel Tiger, my preschooler insists on playing “hide and seek” with her blueberries in her oatmeal. Whatever works =) So what is one way […]
Mommy Madness Tip # 6 -Serve Popsicles in cups

We picked up this tip when my son had his tonsillectomy. The post-op nurses treated him to a popsicle in a cup. Now I ALWAYS serve my popsicles in a cup. My kids know that when they aren’t actively licking it to put it back into the cup. It keeps the sticky mess IN […]
Funday Sunday 5/15/15

Sunday is a time of reflection. What did you do during the week? We played in the garden. Actually we were in the garden A LOT. My neighbor was very kind and offered some tomato plants that she grew over the winter. In addition to tomatoes, I planted potatoes in a laundry basket (found that trick […]
DIY: Magnetic Orgnaizer for Small Items

I know what you are thinking….um, what IS that? IT’S MY FIRST GUEST POST! Would you like to see step by step how to make this inexpensive storage for small craft items? Check it out HERE on Happily Ever After Etc. I’d say this beauty cost me about $5 using baby food jars and Dollar Tree […]
Tell it Tuesday # 3 – Deceptions of a 3-year-old

It’s amazing what our little humans think they can get away with…or what they think they can get past our sleep deprived minds. My youngest has a sugar filled carrot that she has been parading around the house. I’m not sure where she got it from or when…but it’s obvious that it’s HERS. “I […]
Mommy Madness Tip #4 – Soap Dispenser Makeover

Would you like to spruce up your kitchen sink area? One way is by giving your dishwashing soap a more sophisticated home. Replace the cork top with a pour spout. Viola! Functional and adorable. These bottles can also be used for olive oil. I love using mine for dishwashing soap (you may want […]
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