It’s February! February is a huge month for my family this year. It has always held significance because of a birthday and Valentine’s Day but this year we are going on our very first trip to Disney World! Only 27 more days until I get to see my little girl’s eyes light up when she […]
Family Movie Night with Snack Box Tutorial
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MakeItAMovieNight #CollectiveBias Being a family of 5, going to the movie theater as a family is definitely a luxury. Don’t get me wrong, one parent will take the older 2 to new movies, but we tend to leave the […]
Elf on a Shopping Spree (Day 4)
Elf on a Shopping Spree Welcome to Day 4 of 30 days of Elf on the Shelf Ideas! On day 4 we caught our Elf on a shopping spree. Elves also shop on Cyber Monday. They realize that the more YOU buy online, the less their buddies have to work in Santa’s toyshop. Don’t be surprised […]
Family Holiday Bucket List
Bucket lists are a good way to motivate us to get off our rumps to make memories. Last year, I did not have a bucket list and I hibernated. THIS year, we DO have a bucket list and we’ll see if it makes a difference. This is our 2nd year in Michigan and we have […]
Elf on the Shelf Ideas Day 1-3
I owe you some Elf on the Shelf fun for days 1-3! Who ever thought that a spouse leaving could make kids extra clingy? *Sarcasm* My kids are ALWAYS clingy! My husband has been gone, which means all 3 of my kiddos have been watching me like a hawk… to include sleeping in bed with […]
Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that you are having a relaxing Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends. We are having a lazy day in our pajamas, filled with apple pie and fruit salad…exactly how we like it! While you are out and about tomorrow (and waiting in crazy long lines), make sure to stop by to enter a […]
5 Tips to Maximize Your Time
Why maximize your time? Because life is hectic! We Moms need to make more time for ourselves. It is challenging but not impossible. Take it from me (a Mom, Blogger and Full-time Student) there are ways to make the most of the time that we are allotted. It’s all about staying positive, motivated and prioritizing. […]
Date Kit Essentials
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BeHealthyForEveryPartofLife #CollectiveBias You are FINALLY going out alone with your significant other?! Congratulations! Remember the days when we were young, single and it took 3 hours to get ready for a date? Now, it sounds like horrible […]
3 Ways to Help Preschoolers Identify Emotions
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #InsideOutEmotions #CollectiveBias My kiddos were disappointed when we missed the chance to see Inside Out at the movie theater. We did not hesitate to go to Walmart and buy it when it became available and neither should you! […]
In Case of Emergency Cookie Stash Printables
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GetInOnOREOThins #CollectiveBias How many times have I regretted taking the whole crew to the supermarket? How. Many. Times? There were days when my family started off with a mellow stress-free day…and I fell for it. We’ll run in real […]
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