Christmas will be here before you know it. Why not beat the crowd (or avoid them all together) by staying home and buying your gifts online? No anxiety attacks, 911 calls or long lines! Nope. Been there…done that and so over it. This year, I’m shopping in my pajamas, sipping on coffee and enjoying some […]
MCFTA: Be The Dino

“Be The Dinosaur” traveling exhibit is now at the Midland Center for the Arts and will be available until September 3rd. Will your children enjoy it? Honestly, my children and I had a blast! I have read mixed reviews from other moms via social media and I can see how some families may be […]
Dow Gardens: Viva La Pollination

Mention bee near my children and World War III erupts. Sometimes they flee in tears, but more often one child willingly offers a sibling as a sacrifice. I never know what their reaction will be, but I’m willing to put money down that it won’t be standing still. I’m an avid gardener and much to […]
Spring Cleaning Can Put Change into Your Pocket

I met Kara at one of the Midland MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) meetings. She was our guest speaker and she gave tips on staying organized in a realistic way. I was thoroughly impressed with her approach. Wait, the magazine ads and tv shows are NOT what I strive for? I had been jaded by media […]
The Beauty of Butterflies in Bloom

I have always been attracted to the beautiful colors of a butterfly. I have never gone as far as to learn all of the specie names…essentially, if it looks like a butterfly, I’m a fan. Midland has once again seduced me. Every year a “Butterflies in Bloom” exhibit is offered at Dow Gardens. From late […]
Aaron’s Gifts From Home – Midland Non-Profit Organization

Now that the snow is finally melting, Midland is growing on me and the weather is not the only reason why. For a town that lacks a military installation nearby, it seems to be EXTREMELY veteran friendly. The Home Depot has veteran parking spots, a local college offers a Veteran to BSN program (only offered […]
Custom Decor N More – Midland Local Business

I am a huge fan of vinyl decor. I love how it can be customized – any saying, font, color, design – you get the picture. There is a downfall though…if it’s stuck to the wall, it’s not moving e.v.e.r. I was bummed when I had to abandon my vinyl art to move to Midland. […]
Portraits by Reba – Midland Local Business

A parent can never have enough pictures of their child…especially as the family grows and you start to slack with the second child, third child and so on. Unfortunately that is the case with me. I only seem to remember the camera when they are doing something hysterical…and now I have plenty of blackmail material. […]
Warding off Winter Blues: From Sand Dunes to Snow Dunes

How an AZ Girl Wards off Midland Winter Blues I’m used to sand dunes, not snow dunes. I am from Yuma, Arizona. It’s a place where there are sand storms, tumble weeds and yes an egg can be cooked on asphalt. Going outside feels like you’re in an oven and we get a whopping […]