This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #OREOThinsAreIn #CollectiveBias
How many times have I regretted taking the whole crew to the supermarket?
How. Many. Times?
There were days when my family started off with a mellow stress-free day…and I fell for it. We’ll run in real quick, I think to myself, this time will be different. Ha! The joke was on me!
This last trip, I ran into the OREO Thins cookie display. Of course, those fine Kroger marketers know that mommy had a traumatic grocery trip and needs a treat. They position the display right where it’s needed, near the cash registers. As you can see, I’m not the first one who needed a cookie break. The display is almost empty.
If the check out display is cleaned out, look for OREO Thins in the Kroger cookie aisle. I’ll devour all three flavors when given the chance, but sadly they were out of mint flavored. I happily leave with Golden and Original flavors.
We speed home and EVERYONE is sent to bed for quiet time. I put the groceries away, there isn’t much because we left once I realize what a mistake I have made. Finally, an hour (hopefully 2) of ME time.
Do you remember dunking OREOS as a kid?
I still do it, but with an adult twist.
OREO Thins and coffee. Bliss.
OK, back to reality, not every child naps as we hope they would. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We moms have to get sneaky if we want to indulge without sharing. I don’t know about your household, but my kids are bottomless pits. War breaks out if there aren’t enough cookies to go around.
Have you ever snuck into a closet to eat a treat by yourself? (Raises hand) Do you keep a secret stash in your laundry room? (uh huh) Have you ever hid cookies in an oatmeal container? Don’t be ashamed if you have. I think all mom’s have deceived when it comes to keeping sugar away from our young.
Why not have fun with it? Make an EMERGENCY COOKIE GIFT to brighten a new sleep-deprived mom’s day?
Let’s equip our new moms with the right tools
to sneak a treat here and there.
Share this with your girlfriends. With the ever patient kindergarten teacher. Shoot, give one to the single dad down the street, if anyone deserves an emergency cookie stash, it’s him. What is the best part about this easy gift? It’s refillable. Yup, because we all know that we’ll need to refill it after breaking into it on a daily…er weekly basis.
Is there someone in your life who needs an OREO Thin or ten two? Use these printables to make your own In Case of Emergency cookie stash. It can be printed on card stock, on sticker paper or laminated. The blank printable can be used to write a personal gift message… or use them to communicate an important message. The possibilities are endless.
Get your FREE Printables
I personally use the blank one to seal my son’s medication bag. His asthma is exasperated by exercise, but asking a 6-year-old to be still during a sleepover is futile. Once he is given 2 puffs of his rescue inhaler, he is good as new, which is why a lot of mom’s forget to tell me by morning. They have to break the seal in order to open the bag, if I see that the seal is broken, I know to ask my son about it.
Everyone has a cookie emergency, what do you do when YOU have one? Where do you hide your cookies?