There is a fine line between camping and survival. When looking for camping gear err on the side of quality survival gear vs cheap camping gear. Your camper will appreciate gear that can be used from year to year instead of one season.
Several of these items can be bought through Amazon where you can get FREE 2 Day shipping through Amazon Prime. If you do not have Amazon Prime, . Believe me, it will save money if you are buying gifts online this year, especially if you have family who live far away from you. (wink, wink)
10 Gifts Every Camper Really Wants
Jetboil Flash Java Kit $109.95 MooseJaw I have experienced far too many coffee headaches in my life to go camping without it. I imagine I am not the ONLY one is a coffee fiend, which is why this is on the top of 10 Gifts that every Camper Wants
Nebo Redline Tactical Flashlight $39.99 Amazon. These flashlights are B.R.I.G.H.T! And if you find yourself in a compromising position, these can be used as a weapon in self-defense.
CamelBak $49 If you are shopping for a camper AND/OR a hiker, they will love you for this gift. Take it from a girl raised in Arizona, a Camelbak can be used by virtually anyone living in ANY climate. You can’t go wrong with this one. Your camper will be grateful…and hydrated.
You can also buy CamelBaks here:
Multitask Tool $179.95 US. Elite. This multitask tool is one that even Rick Grimes would appreciate. Each tool is weapon specific and utilizes “best in class” materials, such as solid steel. This isn’t like the typical mass produced tools made for boy scouts. This tool will not only prove useful with small tasks around the campground but would be a lifesaver during the zombie apocalypse.
Emergency Food Storage Kit $169.99 The Wise Company
Yeti Cooler (Price Varies) Amazon or Moosejaw. Yeti Coolers are definitely high end but well worth the investment. I’m not kidding, these coolers may outlast your marriage. They are sturdy and reliable. If you can splurge, go for it!
Camping Chairs $99.95 Moosejaw. Cuddling by the campfire is one of the best activities while camping. It’s easy with this 2-person chair.
Freeze Dried Food (Varies) Thrive has a fantastic assortment of food pouches that can be reconstituted or eaten as is. They sent me snackie packs to a review and I had to HIDE them from my children in order to take pictures. The shelf life of these ingredients are ah-mazing! Imagine how easy it would be to pre-assemble a few meals to send with the boys as they go fishing over the weekend? It makes a tasty backup plan in case they don’t catch anything =).
Pie Iron Set with Storage Bag $59.99 Amazon. These make camp food so fun and tasty. Simply throw everything in the holder and cook, what happens is almost magic. If you are a camper you understand.
Life Straw $17.99 Amazon. Don’t say that you will NEVER need these! These are good to have on hand whether a camper or not. You never know when something can happen to the city water supply or your well water. Watch the news, it happens!
Honorable Mention
Thank you, Ari-ale-tools for hosting this giveaway! One lucky winner will receive this Tourniquet. A $35 value.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I hope that you are not laughing at this giveaway. It is totally appropriate! Campers fall and hurt themselves…and this tourniquet would do a heck of a better job than a torn shirt. This is a Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) which means it’s Army proof (sorry, I HAD to, I’m prior Air Force) Just tighten, spin the windlass to tighten and secure. I have played with several styles of tourniquets in training. This one is legit. I received one of these CATs to host this giveaway. Portable Female Urine Diverter. $9.45 Amazon Take this gift suggestion how you want it, but I hear great things about peeing while standing up. This can be a gag gift for a camper…but a practical gift all the same!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Check out these Guides next! They have fun giveaways too! Want MORE? Scroll all the way down for the Complete List!
A special thank you to Jeanette Lockmiller from for organizing such a Gift Guide of this magnitude!

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