My child’s class Halloween party was the afternoon of the 30th leaving me zero time to get this post to you before Halloween. So, better late than never and hopefully this post will be useful NEXT year.
Real quick, I’d like to show you some fun stuff that we had at our kindergarten party. Hopefully, it will give you some inspiration for YOUR party!
Food and lots of it!
Food is a BIGGIE ya’ll. Kids are bottomless pits! You MUST feed them a snack because hungry children = recipe for disaster.
It is important to provide both a healthy option (such as cut fruit) and a sweet naughty option.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that some of the children at the party preferred the fruit over the cookies. Insane right?
We actually had children who did not like the pudding or the gummy worms because they weren’t used to the taste of it-MIND BLOWN! So again, healthy options are a must. We served a lot of fruit and cheese.
The same rule goes for drinks. We had juice as well as water options.
And of course, lots of candy and goody bags.
We did not let the kids eat the candy. Instead, they decorated their own bag to hold all of their prizes. It was one of our activities.
Speaking of activities, account for time. It may not seem like we had much but we actually ran out of time for the kids to finish all of the activities. Decorating the goodie bags definitely took longer than expected.
It’s hard to tell, but this is a ring toss. We wrapped decorated construction paper to water bottles and threw the glow in the dark rings around them. It was also my backup plan in case we ran out of water.
We had it set up as a mini carnival where there were little game stations that the children took turns playing. What do you think of my Monster game? It’s just like the sucker tree but with a Halloween twist. The kids had to reach into the monster’s mouth to find the winning sucker. Here is the tutorial for making your Lollipop Monster.
We also played Bingo at the very beginning of the party so that we could organize and serve the food. This game was first because it required them to sit down…and after juice, pudding and fruit, it would have been impossible!
We also had a place to take every single child’s picture. It would be fun to give each of the parent’s a yearbook of their child’s year…but I’m not sure if it is even possible for me. MAYBE, I’ll try it if I am crazy enough.
I think this picture sums up the party. Our party was full of excitement, food, games, a little bit of chaos and fun!
What are your favorite activities to have at a school party?