Who is stressed? More like who ISN’T stressed? Recently, I became a full-time student who chauffeurs children to and from preschool, grade school, and sports. Luxuries such as time and extra cash are as common as a toddler who enjoys nap time (this means almost NEVER in my household). Back in my career days, pedicures and facials were my favorite ways to destress…now I’m lucky if my kiddos offer to rub my feet with lotion. Even though I’m not working a 9 to 5, it doesn’t mean that de-stressing is any less important. In fact, it’s more important NOW because my children deserve the best of me. I realized how vital it was that I looked calm on the outside even while I was running on coffee fumes on the inside. Does this sound familiar? YOUR family deserves the best of You. The only way that you can be at your best is if you take care of yourself. Even a miniscule amount of self-care goes a long way, whether it is physical or emotional. You’ll see how something as simple as going for a run, taking a nap, shoot even taking a shower can help lift your spirits!
How do we achieve such bliss on a budget? Well, it’s different for everyone really, but I’ll do my best to share what works for me (and hopefully, you will have some takeaways for yourself). Honestly, this is my first semester juggling the roles of student, mommy, and wife, so I am still trying to find my groove so to speak.
When I stopped working, the first “luxury” to go was self-care. Stay at home moms, you know what I am talking about. How does your mom-self compare to yourself in high school or life before kids? I’m sure SOMETHING is lacking. Once I stopped pampering myself, I lost my identity as an attractive person. My complexion was no longer even. I looked at pictures of myself and thought, my skin looked so smooth, so youthful back then, I started to feel ugly.
No, no, NO!
Don’t fall into the negativity trap, do something about it! Once I realized what I was doing, I went on a mission to focus on self-care and happiness. What did you like in the past? If you enjoyed manicure and pedicures, focus on nail care. Though I enjoyed both pedicures and facials, I decided to tackle one aspect at a time. First I wanted to focus on skin care.
Here are a few ideas of what to keep on hand to fake the spa facial at home. I put together a little kit for nights when I had time to pamper myself after the kids went to bed. Even a small amount of self-care made me feel recharged and happier.
Make a Faux Spa Kit
I keep a basket full of fun little spa supplies to use when time permits. You will use these items more if they are kept readily available, than if the items have to be collected and prepared for every “spa session”. The initial cost of acquiring these materials will equal to a professional facial, but several uses will come from it. Consider it an investment. It will be well worth the time and effort in the long run!
Set the Mood
Don’t neglect the small details. Imitate a “spa feel” by lighting candles or playing soft music. I LOVE and save certain scents for faux spa use only. I light the candles and my body knows it’s time to relax. If candles are not your cup of tea, and sprays provide the same effect. My favorite scents are Eucalyptus Spearmint or from the Bath and Body works , they do wonders for my mood. If possible, play relaxing music with nature sounds…if you own a smart phone, there are several free apps which offer a fantastic variety.
Try not to skip steps
I realize our faux spa is not as relaxing as having someone else massage your face. But in order to feel and achieve the same results, you will need to exfoliate, cleanse and rehydrate. No short cuts!
There are countless on the market ranging in price. If you prefer a completely organic product, consider a homemade sugar scrub. Facial brushes are also very popular right now. Manual brushes can be bought super cheap or you can splurge on an electric version.
This step is not just for individuals with acne. Cleansing is important for EVERYONE. I have a horrible habit of falling asleep with my makeup on. Every skin care specialist will advise you to never fall asleep with make-up. Impurities and makeup can clog pores when the skin should be healing and rejuvenating. I am a proud owner of an electrical brush. My face feels so clean after each use and I love how the bristles are anti-microbial.
Masks are also a must. Clay masks are highly recommended because they draw impurities out of your pores. *Warning-cleansing does not mean popping your pimples!
Because everyone’s skin type varies, finding the appropriate is a must! It is not just oily vs dry skin to consider, also consider age and elasticity of the skin. There are products available for every type and yes, even oily skin needs to be moisturized. It is counterintuitive to allow oily skin to dry out because the skin will produce oil to hydrate it. I know personally, I would prefer to hydrate with a face lotion full of vitamins as opposed to just plain oily yuckiness.
Maintenance Care is just as important
Consider upping your daily care regimen to make your facial labors last longer. It won’t take a lot of time and it will become just as routine as brushing teeth.
. I highly suggest using this to massage your skin. It will cleanse and gently exfoliate. My favorite is that it feels like a mini facial every night. The brush is also fantastic for the neck line and upper chest area. It’s good to be flawless and smooth in those areas too 😉
Toners help exfoliate and shed dead skin cells to expose young new skin. This product is often taken for granted or skipped because immediate results are not seen and we are a society expecting prompt satisfaction. Have patience my friend, the benefits will be seen with consistency. Seriously, don’t skip this step and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Last but certainly not least, 2.5% Retinol Serum. I have been using Retinol Serum by OZ Naturals. Again, a product I highly suggest. It is a CLINICAL Strength 2.5% Retinol, anti-aging and anti-wrinkle formula. It boasts vitamins and potent antioxidants which promote skin rejuvination at the lower layers of skin. What does that mean? It works where collagen and elastin are produced, where it counts (think skin= Plump + Firm). Luckily, this won’t break the bank. It is available through their site OZ Naturals. After using this for a week, I noticed that my complexion looked healthier, my blemish scars were fading, and my face became clear. Honestly, it may have been because I started to wash my face at night…but I’m positive this serum was expediting the process. My face was HEALING and it made me feel like my old self again!
Who ever thought that some self-care could help so much. It’s the first thing to go for us busy mommas when really it should be one of the priorities. When we are healthy and happy, we can be the super moms that we are!
What are your favorite self-care routines? Do you have a special faux spa kit at home?
*This post may contain affiliate links or free products to test and review. All opinions are my own.