Somehow, you’ve been persuaded (or blackmailed) to open a new social media account called Periscope, now what? Check these 4 things before you hit that big red START BROADCAST button -and make a mistake- that others will watch LIVE. Dun-dun-DUNNNN!
Here’s a screenshot for the visual learners out there!
4 Things to Check Before You Start a Periscope Broadcast
1) Add an interesting #hashtag appropriate title.
This will draw new viewers in. You can leave it untitled, but you risk attracting perverts and trolls. Excuse me for being so blunt…it’s sad but true.
2) Turn that Twitter Button ON!
I always turn mine on. This will announce to your Twitter followers that you have something to say and to entice them to check it out.
3) Precise Location is completely your choice, make sure that it is in the correct setting.
Having the precise location ON will expand your reach to more viewers (who can potentially turn into followers). But at the same time, it will also allow access to trolls and troublemakers. You’re call.
4) Public vs Private.
Do you want your scope to be available to the public? It will automatically default to air publicly so leave the setting as is. Do you prefer to allow access to a few chosen followers? You will have to change your setting to private.
Verifying these settings every time you scope will save you embarrassment.
I once went into a scope of a gentleman who had no idea that he was scoping. He wasn’t saying anything…he was just playing with his phone. Though it was fun to stare up at his nose, it got old quickly. Don’t be that scoper who doesn’t know what the heck she (or he) is doing!
My blogger friend Laci from Sequins in the South told me about a Periscope challenge that Working Mom Magic and Girl on the Move came up with. It was the perfect chance for someone who is nervous about public speaking to test the waters of Periscope. We all support one another and teach each other. I learned a crazy amount about Periscope from these wonderful ladies.
Check out some pointers for a better scope here.
Every day there is a prompt or theme for each of us to discuss. The challenge is completely flexible. You can choose to skip a day, catch up and do several a day, or switch the subject altogether.
If you join Periscope, make sure to find me @MidMichiganMom and search the hashtag SeptemberScopers to see everyone who is participating in the challenge.
Are you nervous about joining Peroscope? Do you have questions about this new social media? I’d love to answer your questions the best that I can =) Comment below!
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