Does this stuff work?
I was skeptical, but I am a believer after applying it to my bathroom’s dingy dirty grout.
Read on to see if you agree.
Here is my offensive tile grout courtesy of the renters living here before us. Yum!
First, thoroughly mop and sweep the floor. Once it’s DRY, apply the grout renew with a TOOTHBRUSH. At first I tried painting the grout in…I cannot paint a straight line to save my life. The coverage also looked uneven. Using an old toothbrush covers much more surface and even works the product INTO the grout.
See how the paint gets onto the tile? It’s inevitable. I used 2 ways to remove the excess to make everything look finished.
The package directions warns that tile etching can occur. I did not have this problem with my ceramic tile, but please test the grout renew in a small hidden area beforehand. The company also suggests working on small areas at a time and wiping off the excess immediately. I tried that for half an hour but soon tired of going back and forth.
If you are going to wipe off the excess as you go, remember the paint in the grout will still be wet as well. Make sure to use steady even pressure OUTSIDE of the joint to avoid wiping off all of your hard work.
The method that I used for the majority of my small bath was painting ALL of the grout lines then scraping the dried excess off of the tile. I used a moist paper towel and a flat head screwdriver to clean things up. Your fingernails and a paper towel work as great if not better than the screwdriver. Use whatever works best for you. Really any scraping tool should do the trick.
Here is some personal advice. If you are doing this project in a bathroom, include cleaning the toilet in your prep. I neglected this vital step and I paid for it. I have never had my face so close to the toilet without barfing into it and I can tell you that it will never happen again. I have a little boy. Enough said.
Here’s my pretty floor after! It looks so clean!
Here is the BEFORE and AFTER. See the difference one morning project can make? Now, you tell me. Do you think this stuff works? Definitely.
Now does it last? I’m not sure, I will provide an update in 6 months.
Overall, I think this product is great. The color choices are awesome too. My only suggestion to Polyblend is to make this product in a pen form as the competitors do. We started with the “miracle pen” but it is only offered in 2 color choices. The buff was too orange and the white was…well too white.
Give it a try…you only have hours of grout cleaning to lose. By the way, I’m not being paid by this company (wouldn’t that be nice?)…I think it’s THAT awesome! Grout on ya’ll!